GeoBusiness Intelligence

GeoBusiness Intelligence is the use of spatial analysis, typical of GIS systems, in Business Intelligence environments, in order to understand the phenomena observed in a territorial context. GeoBusiness Intelligence has been active in the company since 1996, but geographic Business Intelligence systems have been developed by company personnel since the 1980s in research activities of the CNR.

Sistemi Territoriali has provided in recent years specialist support on projects related to:

  • design and implementation of geographic information systems and data warehouses
  • development of geographical navigation systems integrated with multidimensional navigation systems (OLAP)
  • design and development of web portals focused on the territorial component
  • customization and enrichment of geographical functions according to customers' needs

The customers to whom it is addressed are both public and private, with various applications including:

  • Regional Observatories: environment, statistics, demography, work, school, social distress
  • Municipal Budget Observatories
  • Integration of Provincial Observatories: economic planning, tourism, school, social, etc..
  • Publication of statistical indicators in various thematic areas
  • Real Estate

The following proprietary solutions were used in the projects:

ST GeoBridge, which adds to the multidimensional navigation module of SAS an interactive environment of geographical analysis on the Web;

StatPortal®, which is a totally integrated Web system for the analysis and sharing of statistical and geostatistical information, since the territory is considered as the main dimension of analysis and representation. With ST StatPortal it is possible to create portals containing interactive data and reports. ST StatPortal combines Business Intelligence and GIS functions.

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