
Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. is located in Tuscany, in the province of Pisa, in the municipality of Cascina, San Prospero.


via Pietro di Lupo Parra Sud, 144
56021 -  Cascina - Loc. San Prospero (PI) 

Tel. +39 050 7687.11
Fax 050 7687.67

Coordinates: N 43.680341, E 10.490767 - WGS84


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Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. is present in Calabria with a local office in Rende.


Via Salvador Allende, 18 (2° piano)
87036 - Quattromiglia (CS)

Tel. +39 0984 8462.09

Coordinates: N 39.3301703, E 16.2429848 - WGS84


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