Open Data

Open Data Open data, is data accessible to everyone, typically through the web, without restrictions on copyright, patents or other forms of control that limit its reproduction. Many public entities, for transparency towards citizens, release open data following the philosophy that the data they produce belong in fact to the community and that therefore these should be distributed freely to the community itself. In Italy, on 18 December 2012, Law Decree no. 179 of 18 October 2012 was converted into law (17 December 2012 no. 221 and published in the Official Gazette: art. 9 establishes that the data and information provided by the public administration must be published in an open format (so-called open data).

Sistemi Territoriali was one of the first Italian companies to deal with and invest in the field of open data, developing specific technical, legal and thematic skills in this field, and is able to offer services to support and guide institutions throughout the entire process of data publication, or rather:

  • Census and selection of datasets to be published as open data
  • Data cleaning, processing and improvement of the quality of datasets
  • Documentazione degli open data in accordo agli standard di riferimento
  • Individuazione delle licenze con cui rilasciare i dataset
  • Aderenza alle linee guida nazionali e comunitarie
  • Aggiungere valore ai dati: web semantico e linked open data
  • Realizzazione del sito web per pubblicare gli open data dell'ente

In addition to professional services, Sistemi Territoriali has also developed StatPortal OpenData, a complete open source platform that allows organizations to create their own open data portal in a short time, in accordance with Italian legislation and the main technological standards.

In June 2012 Sistemi Territoriali, using the StatPortal OpenData platform, published, the Italian portal of open data.

Since January 2013 Sistemi Territoriali is also conducting a research project called ODINet on big data, linked open data, semantic web and social network analysis.