Other partnerships

Sistemi Territoriali adheres to the Corporate Network GEONETCOM, which aims to activate a series of ties and relationships with other companies in the GIS sector to strengthen the skills, broaden the offer and also extend the market beyond the national border. Currently the network consists of Italian companies: GisItaliaGeosLabISE-NETMARsecTecnopiani and Sistemi Territoriali, and abroad GIS Tunisie and the Swiss GEOFOTO e GENEGIS.

The business areas of the network are mainly GeoNetCom all application areas of GIS industry such as design and implementation of information systems GIS desktop, web and mobile, geodatabase, acquisition and provision of satellite data, Infomobility and road asset, Facility Management.

Besides GEONETCOM, Territorial Systems over the years has close trade and technical strategic alliances with other companies and organizations listed below.

GisItalia is a brand that operates in Italy in the field of Geographic Information Systems since 1997. In 2010 it was repositioned on the national scene as a company that wants to become a reference point in the cross-platform GIS solutions, opening towards internationalization with close ties to foreign companies , with the idea of ​​facing the market with a new and innovative way: the Network of Companies.

Since 1986 Guglielmo Tagliacarne Institute, promotes economic culture, realizes economic and statistical analysis and studies on small and medium-sized enterprises and regional economy. Plans and organizes training courses for the Chamber of Commerce, Public Administration and Local Authorities, entrepreneurs, managers and recent graduates.

NUNATAC was born in 1994 and has been a pioneer in mixing skills in statistical areas, IT and marketing. Today is a leader in business analytics in the Italian market.

TECNOPIANI began his career in 1974 as a group of consultants in various fields of civil engineering, architecture, urban and regional planning, becoming TECNOPIANI International Consultants srl in 1988. Committed today in the design and provision of advisory services associated with planning, organization and monitoring of economic and spatial development activities, working with companies and consultants specialized in complementary areas of corporate skills. The main areas of activity are: project technical and administrative management; management systems for quality; support for preparation and updating of databases; enhancement and management of territorial cultural resources; environment and civil protection.