TouriNet project

Logo del progetto tourinet Tourism Information Network

“Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020”
“Sistemi Territoriali S.r.l. Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020”

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The main objective of the TouriNet project is to conduct research and development aimed at defining new technologies to improve the business of tourism companies, enhancing their web reputation and promoting the creation of synergies between activities of different types (restaurants, hotels, museums, etc.).

In particular, innovative techniques of  Social Network Analysis (SNA)Sentiment AnalysisGIS e Web Semantico will be used to produce indicators extracted from the enormous mine of information present online on tourism enterprises, which will be considered from a network viewpoint. These indicators will allow us to give a concrete answer to the need of companies to measure themselves and position themselves in the best possible way in their business sector, characterizing them both on the basis of their characteristics and in consideration of the tourist-geographical environment in which they are located.

The project has already attracted the interest of a large number of stakeholders, such as restaurateurs, hoteliers, but also travel agencies and public administrators engaged in the tourism sector, which will provide ideas for the development of technologies and validate the work done throughout the project.

Press review: Article on, the new communication media on technologies, data and solutions for the city and the territory.

Progetto finanziato nel quadro del POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020