SAS for Open Data

SAS® for Open Data is the platform that allows public and private entities to approach open data publication projects in an effective and efficient way, also guaranteeing users greater autonomy and simplicity in the management of the entire publication process. 

SAS® for Open Data allows you to:



Geomarketing, which can be considered a specific branch of Geo Business Intelligence, is a marketing approach that uses information related to the territory (georeferenced data) to analyze, plan and implement marketing activities. Geomarketing includes several of very different functionalities that concern a wide range of public and private users. 

Sistemi Territoriali has provided, in the last few years, specialized support in geomarketing for projects inherent:


GeoBusiness Intelligence

GeoBusiness Intelligence is the use of spatial analysis, typical of GIS systems, in Business Intelligence environments, in order to understand the phenomena observed in a territorial context. GeoBusiness Intelligence has been active in the company since 1996, but geographic Business Intelligence systems have been developed by company personnel since the 1980s in research activities of the CNR.


Corso ArcGis Pro Avanzato

Contenuti del corso

  • Le selezioni spaziali
  • Come agganciare le tabelle esterne ai propri dati geografici: Join & Relate
  • Le Join spaziali
  • Le funzioni di Geoprocessing di ArcGis Pro
  • Accenni a come condividere mappe e dati su Web
  • Accenni all’automazione di procedure tramite l’utilizzo del model builder


2 giorni

Orario dei corsi

L’orario previsto per lo svolgimento delle giornate di corso è fissato dalle h. 9.00 alle h. 18.00.


Corso ArcGis Pro Base

Contenuti del corso

  • La gestione delle licenze e delle utenze
  • Imparare l’interfaccia di ArcGIS Pro
  • Visualizzazione 2D
  • Passaggio da 2D a 3D
  • La gestione delle proiezioni dei dati
  • Importare progetti da ArcMap
  • Le diverse modalità di Simbologia
  • Le Query e le Definition Query
  • La gestione delle Etichette
  • I Layout per le stampe
  • Le Map Series
  • Come editare i dati.
  • La Georefenziazione dei Raster


3 giorni


System Integration


Transversal solutions at different levels of integration

  • Data oriented - data systems integration and construction of centralized data warehouses
  • Applications - interfacing and interoperability between enterprise applications
  • User interfaces - standardization and unification of user interfaces between different applications
  • Enterprise processes - review of business processes and logical and functional unification at the enterprise level
